Delete Account Request

Your data protection rights

You are at any time entitled to be informed and/or access the personal information about you that we process, but with certain legislative exceptions. You have the right to:

i) object to the collection and further processing of your personal information;
ii) have your personal data updated, rectified, erased or blocked;
iii) receive information about you that you have provided to us;
iv) opt out of certain uses and disclosures of your personal information; and
v) have your personal information transmitted to another data controller (data portability). In order for you to exercise your data protection rights we are obliged to verify your identity.

We can only verify your identity if you are logged in on one of our Services. You will therefore only be able to exercise your rights if you log in and follow the steps as explained.

If you want us to update, amend or delete the personal information that we have collected about you, wish to get access to the data being processed about you, or if you have any questions concerning the this Privacy Policy, you may contact us by email at

Delete Account Request Form:
